Do you want to lose weight?

2:22 PM

These are the exercises that cannot be missed in your routine

When looking to lose weight and above all, burn fat to achieve a fit body, exercise is of great importance, as it not only increases the expenditure of calories but also helps us look better and also benefits our diet . But depending on the training your practice can benefit us more or less at the time of losing weight, so, we tell you the exercises that cannot be missing in your routine to successfully reach the goal of removing weights from our body.

Beyond the routine: what kind of exercises do you perform?

Exercises that involve different muscle groups and not just a muscle or a specific part of the body, demand more effort to our body to require the mobilization of greater mass and body weight. These are the so-called multi-joint exercises or compound exercises.

But in addition, the exercises with weights or that develop strength and increase the muscular mass stimulating the creation of new muscular fibers can be an incentive for our metabolism and increase the caloric expenditure, even at rest, in up to 15% according to scientists of Boston. Likewise, it can collaborate in the reduction of fats in the body and in the maintenance or loss of weight in the long term.

Thus, the aerobic exercise that we have always prioritized at the time of weight loss, could be useful but not the most important to achieve an effective reduction of kilos through the consumption of fats in our body. On the contrary, weights and exercises that stimulate muscle gain but mobilize large muscle groups would be the most appropriate.

Of course, the type of routines that we use can also help, being the best full-body routines that work the whole body or HIIT type trainings whose high intensity with few resting times favor the burning of fats and give a great push to metabolism or daily caloric expenditure.

The exercises that cannot be missed in your routine

If you want to lose weight prioritizing fat burning, some exercises that cannot be missed in your routine to encourage caloric expenditure and at the same time, promote muscle gain are:

Mountain climbers or climbers:

In ironing position this exercise works arms, shoulders, middle and lower body muscles while burning calories and gaining strength. Once we take a good technique in its implementation, we can include a number of variants of it to not get bored or fall into monotony with their practice.


They are a great compound exercise, that combines jumps with work of arms, legs, abdomen and more muscles of the body. The burpees require a good execution technique and we can include them in the framework of a more complete routine. In addition, it supports many variants to challenge our muscles with constant innovation.

Arm flexes:

Like the previous movements require a good technique and accept many variations to work the entire body, but by themselves are a great movement to include in your routine if you are looking to lose weight.

Battle ropes:

Mobilize large and heavy ropes with both arms while we contract muscles of the lower train and the middle zone to stabilize the body can be a very good alternative to burn calories and gain strength. In addition, it also admits many variations and we can focus the training on an area of ​​the body if we want it, for example: for the stomach.


They are a classic and basic in the workouts to gain muscle and strength, therefore, they can ot miss a routine to burn calories and fat. In addition, many of its variants include jumps or combine with other movements being of greater help even at the time of weight loss.

Turkish get up or Turkish rising:

Its execution is complex but it is a very complete exercise that requires strength, balance, coordination and agility, so included in the middle of a routine HIIT or full body can be a great option to stimulate the caloric expenditure and the use of fats as an energy source.

Kettlebell swing or swing with kettlebells:

Knowing your technique of execution we can achieve a very effective movement to work large muscle groups, burn calories and encourage the burning of fats. In addition, it also admits many variants that we can put into practice..

Although these are highly recommended exercises when losing weight, we must never forget that the important thing is to move and do it constantly, so choosing an activity that we like and that we can continue over time is key.

In addition, many other activities can help you lose weight without increasing caloric expenditure or producing muscle gain, either because they relax and reduce stress or simply because they help us to feel better and thus favor the care of diet and continuity in the exercise.

Then, when you lose weight do not forget to exercise and if you can include any of the above mentioned movements, you will undoubtedly boost the results.

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