Health benefits of practicing Yoga

3:33 PM

Not everyone has the joy of feeling complete harmony between their body and mind. The discipline of yoga allows to find that perfect balance that gives mental, physical and emotional health. To know the benefits of practicing yoga, in addition to some activities of the same, just keep reading.

By instructing yourself on this beautiful and sensitive discipline you will realize that it is perhaps the best way to avoid illness or cure one. It will also attract good vibes to your life that will positively influence others.

Benefits of practicing yoga

The benefits of yoga are not only focused on the spiritual world. In fact they go further by contributing to the physical health of the person.

To give an example, few know that yoga contributes to weight loss. Yes, it is not just about joining hands and breathing deeply. Yoga promotes a healthy style in every way. By reducing anxiety and stress, it will be easier to follow a strict diet. Without taking into account that some postures work to stimulate digestion and tone body parts.

Yoga is also an ally of diabetics. In addition to the above benefits it also improves metabolic function and burns calories. All this contributes to the decrease of blood sugar and gives a better mood to the patient.

Types of yoga that you could practice

Before beginning to perform yoga, it is advisable to have a basic knowledge of the types of yoga. So that it is known what is needed depending on the person. For example:

  • Bhakti Yoga: It is practiced by those who wish to find their spiritual and emotional nature. If you are devoted to a god or guru, this is yoga for you.
  • Hatha Yoga: It is perhaps one of the most popular types of yoga since it seeks the ideal point between the body and the mind. Those who wish to maintain a good state of health practice this type of yoga that plays with the exploration of the body.
  • Japa Yoga: As popular as Hatha. If you want to get away from the noisy real world, reciting mantras is the solution. Through a strong meditation together with the pronunciation of mantras, the body finds the peace it so badly needs.
Easier yoga postures for newbies

It's the first day of the yoga session and you do not know what to do. Searching for videos on the internet may be an option, but suddenly there are only positions that you would not even be born again. That is why the following are the easiest postures of this discipline:

Tadasana: Or also called mountain posture. This simple pose is achieved by placing the feet in a parallel position while the column stays straight. The look should be placed in front while the arms and fingers are stretched. Join hands in front of relaxed chest and shoulders. This posture connects with the earth and gives stability to your inner being.

Vrksasana: To stay focused and with a balanced mental and physical state, this position is correct. Starting with the mountain posture, you just have to raise the left foot to the inside of the thigh. Some who have been practicing yoga for a longer time raise their outstretched arms above their heads and join their hands with outstretched fingers.

Where can I practice yoga?

Finding a place to practice yoga is not as simple as it seems. At first glance it seems that any space is ideal for yoga, however it is not so. To find your site you must consider several things.

First, space must be sacred to you. This is with the idea that they do not invade the same with objects that disturb the peace. Second, avoid as much as possible in places where there is noise and disturbance of the emotional state.

Once this is taken into consideration, you can clear an area of ​​your house, be it a room or a room. This will be exclusive to perform your yoga sessions. You can also choose to practice in open spaces, be it a beach or pool. Of course, there would be no shortage of establishments that offer this service, since professionals find the perfect balance for this discipline

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