Homemade isotonic drink. What is it and what is it for?

11:37 AM

Homemade isotonic drink. Definition and information

A homemade isotonic drink is a preparation that provides hydration and replacement of electrolytes in the body when there are significant losses (sweat, diarrhea, etc.), since it is composed of water, minerals and carbohydrate, which makes it suitable for said end.

The isotonic drink is so called because it has a quantity of sugars and minerals, dissolved in water, similar to that found in the blood. This is the main benefit of this liquid, since the intestine absorbs them immediately, passing almost directly to the blood, so they improve hydration and maintains the digestive functionality.

In many occasions they are known as sports drinks, since it is the use that is most given to them and the objective with which they were created: to replace water and lost minerals that are lost when sweating excessively during intense sports activities.

What is an isotonic drink for?

The isotonic drink helps improve performance in physical activities, preventing blood glucose lowering, as it is able to provide what the body needs at those times, immediately.

These drinks provide energy and regulate blood sugar levels (glycemia), accelerating the assimilation of water and reducing the loss of glycogen reserves in the body, preventing people from becoming dehydrated and losing balance.

How to prepare an isotonic drink

Although there are good brands (Aquarius, Mercadona, etc.), preparing your own isotonic drink can bring you great benefits, since you will avoid expenses and you will consume something more natural, made by yourselves. Every isotonic drink should include water, since this is its main base, as it is a natural restorative for people who perform physical exercise.

On the other hand, this mixture to create a homemade isotonic drink will need a teaspoon of unrefined sea salt, which will give the mixture the iodine, chlorine and sodium that you will need when doing physical training. You should also add sodium bicarbonate and two tablespoons of sugar.

In addition, the water provides a mineral contribution that only together with other ingredients will provide the aforementioned benefits. You must also add to the isotonic drink, two lemons or oranges, to give it a rich flavor, minerals and vitamins.

Sodium, calcium and potassium can give a better taste to the isotonic drink, but with the mentioned ingredients, you will have your own healthy extract and at a good price.

You must mix the ingredients mentioned in a liter of water previously boiled, adding them to a blender. You can also vary the fruit, placing grapefruit or guarana. In this way you will create your own isotonic drink, which will help you when you practice some physical activity, so that you recover the lost nutrients.

Precautions to consider with isotonic drinks

Although it is usually advisable to drink an isotonic drink every time you go to practice some sport or physical exercise, in reality they are not absolutely essential, especially if the practice is short and of low intensity, as long as the sweating is not excessive due to a very hot environment, at which time it is advisable to have one of these drinks at hand.

The consumption of an isotonic drink is recommended when the physical activities are really intense, long lasting and the sweat is excessive. Because the temperature in the body rises considerably during exercise, causing the body to lose water and salts through sweat. Therefore, a drink of this type helps to recover lost substances.

That said, when you go to practice sports do not forget to take one or two glasses of water before starting. Repeat this in the course of the activity or after finishing it, even if you are not thirsty, as this will help keep the liquid and nutrients in your body, and you can keep the rhythm.

If the topic has been of interest to you, I invite you to continue reading the related articles that are listed below, as we have several entries on the subject of isotonic drinks, from different points of view.

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