The Perfect meditation kit

2:24 PM

Keep your spine straight while you meditate

When you decide to learn a sport, an art or a discipline, there is always a team you need to start. A painter requires his frame, paintbrushes and paint, just as a soccer player requires some tennis shoes with a cleats and a ball.

When you start to practice the discipline of meditation you also need a kit and it is composed of: zafu, zabutón, if you are also going to recite mantras, a japamala.

The first meditators did it on a pile of grass, at ground level ... but it would be impractical to spread leaves in our home!

The zafuzafu or meditation cushion, is a circular cushion in most cases that can be filled with synthetic or natural material.

In “La Cueva del Yogui” our zafus are filled with coffee husks (treated and sifted). Unlike a synthetic material, the shell adapts to your body, is ergonomic and creates a better support for your back helping your posture to be correct, causing your spine to align well and your breathing to be more fluid, a very important factor in meditation practices.

In addition to the traditional round zafu, you can also find the travel zafu that is square and molds to your suitcase and very flexible legs, or the lunar zafu, for those who prefer it with a greater height and support. Unlike the meditation bench, which can only be used for kneeling, the zafu can be used to sit on lotus, semi-lotus or squatting or with a bench.

To generate a better posture and above all greater comfort, the zafu is accompanied by zabutón. This is a cushion that is placed under the zafu and prevents your knees and heels from touching the ground.

Finally we have the Japamala or Buddhist rosary.

This, in the traditional Indian-Tibetan way, is composed of 108 accounts, a guru account (with triple perforation), an empty account and its lock. It can also carry divisional accounts and / or accountants.

Japamalas can be made of different materials, such as wood, seeds or semiprecious stones. The japamala is used to keep track when we recite the mantras. By using this object in your meditation practice, reciting mantras, you magnetize it from your own positive energy, and in this way it becomes an object of ritual and protection. Mainly, it protects you from your negative thoughts.

With these 3 elements you can start your meditation practice.

Welcome to this noble discipline!

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