Tips and tricks to increase muscle mass healthily

11:30 AM

Why is it good to gain muscle mass?

There are several tricks to increase muscle mass in a healthy way. However, it is necessary to first know the benefits that this brings. The main one is that the proportion of body fat decreases and muscle increases, that burning more calories and helps to avoid weight gain.
Also, by increasing the mass you will get much more strength, which will help you to have good physical resistance.

On the other hand, by following the tricks to increase muscle that we will show you next, the risks of suffering injuries will decrease considerably, since the increase of muscles protects the joints. In addition, when you perform physical activities your performance will increase, making your life more active and healthy.

Tricks to gain muscle mass

We have already analyzed the subject in the "Diet to gain muscle mass" (recommended article). As a complement to that article, we will comment in particular on some of the tricks to increase muscle mass; among them you can apply the following:

Consume unsaturated fats

Like olive and canola oils, which help protect the muscles of catabolism and improve your training sessions. It is important that you do not leave aside this type of good fats, since they help you to produce thermogenesis and metabolize your adipose tissue.

Olive oil and muscle mass

Consume proteins

This is one of the main tricks to increase muscle mass healthily, since proteins help you regenerate damaged muscle fibers during any hard training.

Drink enough water

It is important that you consume this liquid before, during and after you train, since dehydration, to a lesser degree, will affect your physical capacity, without forgetting that your muscles are composed largely of water.

Consume carbohydrates

Foods such as beans, peas, corn, oats, rice, barley, among others; They should be consumed if you perform heavy and intense workouts. In addition, they give you muscle mass in a healthy way.

Diet to gain muscle mass

Vary the meals

Normally, it is customary to eat only 3 dishes, but one of the tricks to increase muscle mass is that you make between 5 or 6 meals a day, leaving intervals of 2 or 3 hours between them. In this way your metabolism becomes faster, you burn fat and your muscle mass increases.


The consumption of antioxidants is important, as they help your cells to grow and your muscles to regenerate. You can turn to fruits such as orange, lemon or tangerines, rich in vitamin C. You can also eat foods such as walnuts and avocados that have plenty of vitamin E.

Foods that will help you increase muscle mass


Without a doubt they are among the tricks to increase muscle mass, since they have abundant fiber, proteins and unsaturated fats, being the best options: sunflower seeds, almonds and nuts. You can consume them between meals or add them to them, to improve the amount of protein in the diet.
It is also advisable to eat them before going to sleep, because they facilitate digestion, making the amino acids stay in your body and avoiding the loss of muscle tone during the night.

Increase muscle mass


It has great nutrients that contribute to your health, in addition to providing energy. It is a very good option that, in addition, will help you increase muscle mass. It is recommended that you mix it with cheeses, sauce and olive oil.


Another of the tricks to increase muscle is the consumption of spinach, since it contains glutamine, an ideal amino acid for the increase of muscles and its proper development; it also helps to increase the resistance on a physical level.


It is ideal among the tricks to gain muscle mass, since it is very rich in proteins, fats and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin B, among others. In addition, its high level of fiber will help improve any intestinal disorder.

Diet to increase muscle

Whey protein

Whey protein is one of the best options to gain muscle mass and quickly, you can also get it easily and is economical. It is recommended that you consume it at the end of your training routine.

Whole meal bread

By including whole meal bread in your diet you will be adding vegetable fats and calories, very good for your health. The ideal breads are those that have seeds, nuts and cereals like oatmeal or wheat germ, since they help the muscle mass to increase in a healthy and balanced way.

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