Training techniques to vary the routine and continue progressing

4:17 PM

These are some of the training techniques that you should include in your routine to vary it a bit and keep seeing results.


In the superseries, two exercises are trained, one after the other, without recovery pause. This technique offers a possibility to increase the training intensity by shortening the breaks between series, and also allows to maximize time, accelerate metabolism and burn calories. There are two types of supersets:

a) Superseries for a single muscle group, also known as the pre-stretch principle, where maximum muscle stimulation presumes the maximum possible contraction of muscle fibers. An example would be doing 15 repetitions of triceps kick with dumbbell, followed by at least 15 repetitions of the cup.

b) Superseries for two different muscle groups, where two antagonist muscles can be trained without pause. In this way the intensity of the exercise is increased, since the pause is not made until the second exercise of the superset. An example would be the typical biceps and triceps or quadriceps and femoral training. If we work with this method, we do a muscle exercise and then we work the other muscle, then we rest between 30 and 60 seconds and repeat. This type of exercise is recommended for those who want to increase muscle mass, because they can lift more weight and muscles do not fatigue much.

Inverted pyramid

In this type of training the weight decreases as the repetitions increase. For example, suppose you are doing biceps curls with dumbbells, you start with a weight that only allows you to complete 10 repetitions, you do 10 repetitions, you wait 30 or 60 seconds and then you take a lighter weight (30% less), and you do 12 or 15 repetitions. In the next series you lower the weight again but you do 20 repetitions and so on. This method improves muscle strength and capacity, and helps deepen muscle cuts.

Sending series or drop sets

This method is especially suitable to increase the intensity of training, help burn more calories and improve the definition and cardiovascular system. Suppose you are in the leg extension machine and you start with two or three sets of 20 repetitions, in the last two series you make a descending start with a weight with which you can complete 5 or 8 repetitions, and then lower that weight by 30 %, you make another 5 or 8 more, and you lower the weight again.


They are a type of training designed to create fast, powerful and explosive movements. They consist of rapid stretching of the muscle in the eccentric phase, which is immediately followed by a concentric phase (shrinkage). This type of training fatigue the muscles and is excellent to define and burn many calories. Some exercises of this type are: jumps with squats, jumping box (box jump), jumps with slings, mountain climbers (mountain climbers), etc. The ideal is to practice them after training.

Whatever the training technique you choose, do not forget to supplement it with a good diet, and always make sure you are healthy before starting any training or feeding regimen. Health above all!

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