When to stretch?

6:51 PM

Stretching is part of the exercise routine. However, on most occasions we do not give it the importance it deserves, nor do we dedicate the time it takes. Maintaining a stretching routine will be key to preventing injuries and also improving performance

Why Stretch?

At this point, no one escapes the importance of stretching to maintain sports health. Through stretching we will be able to maintain active a quality that can go unnoticed, in pursuit of others such as strength or endurance, but that provides a series of benefits for the athlete or athlete, flexibility.

A good flexibility favors the elasticity of the muscles and provides a wider range of movement in the joints. It also facilitates body movements and activities of daily life.

Stretching is not Heating

These concepts, although they seem to point to the same goal, are different, both in form and procedure. Calorie is a mechanism by which we prepare the body for an activity that we will perform next, to increase performance and reduce the risk of injury. The movements that must be included in this initial period must be similar to the actions that we will carry out a posteriori.

As an example, a very typical heating in CrossFit, which is done before starting the routine of bar surveys:

Another example very clairvoyant in relation to work de-warming before starting a career routine:

Types of Stretches

Before continuing and knowing when it is better to stretch, we have to clarify the concepts related to the main types of stretching, so that we know which are the indicated ones and at what moment:

Static Stretches

It is an elongation of the muscle to a certain point, avoiding pain and maintaining a comfortable position, for a certain time, usually about 30-45 seconds, and in several series. According to studies, they can produce a decrease in strength.

Static stretching must be done the furthest from the training session, because the information is given to the body if done before has nothing to do with the muscular use we will perform when training

Dynamic Stretches

It is performed within a comfortable, controlled and smooth range of motion, usually in series of 10 to 12 repetitions and unilaterally. No rebounding. In turn, they have added an "extra", since they produce the elevation of the body temperature, and they reduce the muscular viscosity. They are the recommended stretches.

This type of stretching improves dynamic flexibility and is very useful as part of warm-up for active or aerobic training

Ballistic Stretches

It uses the momentum of a moving body or limb, in an attempt to reach beyond its normal range of motion. It can cause risk of injury, if not done with caution. They are recommended for high impact activities

An example of this would be the typical rebounds that we made when not being able to reach a point, such as the tips of the feet

Stretch Before or After Training

There are many theories about when to stretch. Some people or coaches, think that the best time to stretch is before training, other people who are better during the exercise routine, and even others bet that the most convenient is after finishing the training. We will analyze the consequences of stretching before, during or after the exercise.

As a premise, depending on the physical activity we perform in our training routine, we can favor one or another type of stretching, in addition to the best "timing". Practically, it will not be the same how we prepare our body for a training of race, swimming or weightlifting, for example.

Stretching Before Exercise

Many people assume that they should start their exercise routine with some stretching. However, many experts agree that this type of static stretching before exercising is not only counterproductive, but also harmful. They claim that by stretching before exercising, your body may think it is at risk of being overwhelmed. It compensates by contracting and each time will be more tense.

This means that your muscles are not able to move so fast or freely, which increases the chance of injury. My recommendation will be to "mobilize" before starting to train, before dynamic stretching and a warm-up

There is a term that may sound to you, but that fits perfectly to what we must do before a workout, especially where we must maintain a correct posture to perform the movement, such as a deep squat. We are talking about Mobilize, click here and know its benefits.

Myofascial Self-Liberation and Mobility Before Exercise

The muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints are not immediately ready to start a workout and perform with ease the movements required during it. In this sense, the use of myofascial release techniques takes on special importance. The fascia is a connective tissue formed mainly by collagen fibers that surround the organs, and connect muscles and bones. It allows to stabilize the body and give it shape and structural support.

This tissue network is responsible for determining the quality of the movement or its restriction. Releasing the muscular fascia before starting an intense workout, especially lifting weights, improves circulation and blood flow and gives the muscles the flexibility to move freely

Do you know what the benefits of the Foam Roller are? Clicking here you will find besides a routine

Stretching During Exercise

It refers to stretching during the breaks of the series of exercises. This technique is normally used by those people who seek to maximize hypertrophy during weight training, with the belief that signaling occurs at the hormonal level (beyond the series itself), but that for practical purposes is not proven its worth .

What's more, it can increase the stress caused by exercise on the muscle and get to damage it, in the most severe cases

Stretching After Training

At the end of the routine with a stretching program, in addition to releasing the muscle fibers, giving them back their flexibility and improving the recovery time, we will help to relax all our muscles and our mind. We ourselves will feel a sense of wellbeing and body relaxation by eliminating the tension generated by training.

stretching after the exercise routine will be much máslentos and intense, since the goal is to alleviate all tensions and return to the muscles and joints your normal state, as well as unareducción of discomfort and muscular pain. is another time to use the foam roller ... stretch a daily training, either a session "running" or a heavy weights, it will be much more effective, and above all, safe, if we are able to move correctly. therefore, it is recommended to spend a daily time to make stretching. in this sense, the routine stretching (mobility)'s we will separate own training, yen function to our limitations or weaknesses, Act accordingly. win flexibility and mobility help reduce restrictions muscle we have been able to accumulate in our life, and even as we continue doing (too long sitting, positions cifóticas using digital devices ...) a routine stretches mobility is part of your plan training. in this way, like it dedicate a great effort in lift kilos, or make series speed, stretch is part of "play". you'll end up winning performance and health

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