Why do not you get to define abs if you're training?

3:22 PM

Probably, one of the objectives that you most pursue by working out is to define well-marked abs. However, you will know that it is not an easy task. It does not matter how many repetitions you make of your favorite exercise if you do not consider a series of basic principles in your diet and training. In this article we expose the main reasons why you cannot mark your "chocolate tablet" and how to solve it.

1. You have too much abdominal fat (Belly)

This is, without doubt, one of the main reasons why you do not see your six-pack despite training intensely. The fat that accumulates between the skin and the abdominal muscles prevents that you can appreciate the relief of your abdominals, even though the muscles are worked.

As you know, we cannot eliminate this subcutaneous fat in a focused way, with specific exercises for that area. What is effective is to carry out a complete program that combines diet, exercise and lifestyle to reduce your percentage of fat and thus achieve highlight abdominals in a lasting way.

2. Your diet is not adequate

Having good eating habits and being consistent with your diet is a decisive factor in getting good abs. These four tips can help you:

  • Avoid excess sugar: This is one of the great enemies of a healthy diet and can encourage the accumulation of fat in your abdomen. Especially avoid juices and other sugary drinks. Eating fruit gives you the right amount of sugar and all the fiber that juices do not give you. 
  • Constancy is essential. You do not need to follow a radical or super-restrictive diet, but you must have healthy habits in your daily diet and not leave them aside every so often. Miracle diets do not usually work, but patience does. 
  • Quantity and variety. You must consume the amount of calories you need according to your metabolism and your level of physical activity. Also, remember to design a varied diet, with all kinds of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Do not forget to include whole grains, nuts and a good portion of fresh fruits and vegetables. 
  • Five meals a day. Distributing the number of calories in five or six meals will make you feel less hungry and anxious. In addition, it will help you maintain your blood sugar levels and you will be able to concentrate better.

3. Your training is not varied

The abdominal musculature is a group formed by different types of muscles (rectum, oblique, transverse) that we must work with different exercises. It is not enough to make the typical crunches, however many repetitions we make. Design a varied routine and soon you will begin to notice the results. In this way you will be able to activate the different muscles and get a better toning and definition. Also keep in mind that you should not concentrate only on the abdominal area. It is essential that you strengthen the lower back, especially to avoid back problems. And, of course, it includes other cardio and strength exercises that help you reduce your body fat percentage and improve your overall fitness. You will feel better and your body will thank you. 4. You do not rest enough Rest is essential for the recovery of muscles and to stimulate their growth. Over-training does not do you any favors when it comes to defining abs. Remember to get enough sleep (seven or eight hours is usually recommended) and good sleep quality. It is essential that you avoid noisy environments or changes in temperature at bedtime.

Also, try to have a fixed schedule to go to bed and to get up; A good sleep routine can work wonders with your physical shape. 5. Do not forget the hydration Your body needs to be well hydrated to be able to perform in training. Both muscle development and fat loss need your body to have enough water. Stay hydrated throughout the day but, especially, before, during and after each training session. The most important thing is that you listen to your own body, providing the water you need at all times, and that you do not fall into the error of over-hydrating yourself. Of course, water is the best option for hydration, compared to juices or other beverages that provide an excess of sugars. 6. Forget about tricks and shortcuts Achieving a good physical shape and defining abs is a task that requires perseverance and effort. It is not complicated but you need patience. The best thing is that you do not try to copy miraculous diets or programs that make impossible promises. The most probable thing is that they end up disappointing you and taking away the desire to train. Focus on performing intense and varied workouts, watch your diet, sleep well and be constant. The results will come sooner than you think and, finally, you will be able to see how they begin to mark those abs you were looking for.

4.You do not rest enough

Rest is essential for the recovery of muscles and to stimulate their growth. Over-training does not do you any favors when it comes to defining abs. Remember to get enough sleep (seven or eight hours is usually recommended) and good sleep quality. It is essential that you avoid noisy environments or changes in temperature at bedtime. Also, try to have a fixed schedule to go to bed and to get up; A good sleep routine can work wonders with your physical shape.

5. Do not forget the hydration

Your body needs to be well hydrated to be able to perform in training. Both muscle development and fat loss need your body to have enough water. Stay hydrated throughout the day but, especially, before, during and after each training session. The most important thing is that you listen to your own body, providing the water you need at all times, and that you do not fall into the error of over-hydrating yourself.

Of course, water is the best option for hydration, compared to juices or other beverages that provide an excess of sugars.

6. Forget tricks and shortcuts

Achieving a good physical shape and defining abs is a task that requires perseverance and effort. It is not complicated but you need patience. The best thing is that you do not try to copy miraculous diets or programs that make impossible promises. The most probable thing is that they end up disappointing you and taking away the desire to train.

Focus on performing intense and varied workouts, watch your diet, sleep well and be constant. The results will come sooner than you think and, finally, you will be able to see how they begin to mark that abs that you were looking for.

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