Yoga postures to improve fertility

11:40 AM

Yoga and meditation are two fundamental tools to calm your mind and strengthen your body. While they do not guarantee the possibilities of conception, they help maintain a balance. Meet the 8 yoga poses that will help you increase your fertility level.

The anxiety and stress of everyday life have a negative impact when looking for a baby. I include, produce physical discomforts such as back pain, headache, fatigue, among others. Numerous researches have shown that high levels of stress, as well as depression and guilt, can significantly hinder the fertility of the body and therefore reduce the chances of conceiving. The practice of yoga for fertility or "yoga fertility" can be very useful for women who are looking for a pregnancy.

Getting rid of this tension is the key and one of the ways is to practice yoga, which although it does not guarantee conception, improve the possibilities and also prepares the mind and body for the arrival of a child. In this sense, there are several postures that help to develop a much more balanced body and a calm mind for the baby that will come.

Yoga postures that will help increase your fertility level

1. Breathing alternating pits (Nadi Shodhan pranayama)

It helps to calm the mind and the body by releasing the accumulated tension. It also helps to purify the "nadis" (subtle energy channels), which allows the flow of prana. By eliminating the stress of mind and body, this pranayama allows you to relax, making the body more fertile and approach the process of conception from a new perspective.

2. Breathing of the bee (Bhramari pranayama)

Instantly relieves the body of tension, anger and anxiety. The possibilities of conception are better with a body and more relaxed minds.

3. Sitting forward (Paschimottanasana)

Sitting forward lean stretches the hamstrings, lower back and hips. It also stimulates the uterus and ovaries and can help in conception. The level of fertility improves with this posture as it also relieves stress and depression.

4. Standing bent forward (Hastapadasana)

The forward-leaning standing posture extends all the muscles of the back and improves the blood supply to the nervous system and the pelvic region. Also, it makes the spine more flexible. This stretch helps relieve the stress of the abdomen region.

5. lean forward with a single leg (janu shirasana) 

Strengthens back muscles, which is very useful during pregnancy. 

6. position butterfly (badhakonasana) 

Stretched thighs, the English and knees. Improves flexibility in the region of the groin and hip. Also helps ensure delivery quiet if practiced regularly to the end of the pregnancy.

7. legs up to the Wall (viparita karani) 

Stretches the back neck, torso front and back legs. Also, it is very effective to relieve back pain, feet and legs tired. Improvement blood flow to the pelvic region. Relax in this position after intercourse increases the chances of conception.

8. dream aware (yoga nidra) 

Yoga nidra literally translated as "sleep aware", collaborate to achieve a steady state in the body and mind. This relaxation has the power to raise the mood and become one more optimistic your approach. Although this state of meditation sleep not improve the level of fertility, no doubt you rests and is very useful for couples who want to form a family. 

In addition to yoga, it is recommended practice meditation for a couple of minutes a day to raise your mind and thoughts, relax and feel more quiet.

"It is important to have patience and maintain a positive attitude, the level of fertility varies between couples and some have had long waits before being able to conceive, we must continue to try with peaceful acceptance of the situation, without murmuring or negativity. Meditation regularly helps maintain a positive focus and improve the level of fertility, "says Santiago Barrenechea, meditation coordinator of the Art of Living Foundation.

He adds: "The practice of yoga has multiple benefits, ideally with a trained teacher to ensure a defined, safe and personalized routine for you and your partner."

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