How Yoga helps you prepare for the Sky and Snowboard season.

10:06 AM

To be ready for the next season of Sky you will need to prepare your mind and body.

Taking Yoga classes will help powerfully.

Yoga will help you be more flexible and gain balance.

It will help you prepare your mind by teaching you not only to breathe properly but also to connect with your breathing.

You can go into a trance with this system, taking your attention inward. An inward-focused mind is a clear mind. In fact, you will be less prone to damage yourself as you will be paying attention and listening to your body.

Furthermore, everyone would want to demonstrate their ability to perform tricky tricks in front of a crowd to impress them.

One of the main lessons that Yoga teaches is "Ahimsa", which means nonviolence towards oneself and towards others. Do not press too hard or too fast. Respect your body. Also keep in mind that if you have not practiced enough, you will end up in a shameful situation.

Meditation is the perfect tool to bring the mind to nothing, zero. To reach this state you will need a great power of concentration because in this state the mind is not questioned. You control the mind. The mind does not control you. The Yogis say that there are thousands of thoughts for each blink. That means there are many thoughts! These are enough thoughts to drive one crazy.

The question is how can you go from having millions of thoughts a day to a meditative mind? Of course, this requires some training. There are different methods to do this, but they are all simple and will teach you to be present. How can he be present?

A person becomes present through breathing. The breath will always connect you to the present moment. It will take your mind inward and focus it. It will calm you down because as soon as you start paying attention to how to breathe, you will relax it. Like magic! You can try this in any situation and you will see that it works.

Some tips to stay connected while skiing:

Follow a comfortable routine:

  • Begin by breathing deeply.
  • Elongate This is a perfect time to put into practice some of the Yoga positions learned in previous classes.
  • Let go of fear. Recognize it Realize that it is something positive. It is a sign of prevention and protection. Too much fear can paralyze you, causing you to act too late or not to act at all. In that case, start by bringing your attention to the breath. Something as simple as realizing how the abdomen moves in and out. Some breaths focusing on it will be enough to relax naturally. When the breathing becomes slower, the mind becomes clearer and slower in thoughts. The correct amount can challenge you in a way that encourages you to do it, and you probably have an adrenaline boost. Start enjoying it and get to "The Zone".
  • Practice happy. Considering today's economy, you can truly enjoy the sky enjoying the views and being in the mountains. Be grateful Tell yourself that you will never take it lightly. Feel privileged to have health, money and the possibility of setting aside other things to take time to enjoy your life doing something that is great for you.
  • Keep it simple.
  • This present. Focusing on breathing will always take you there.
  • The best medicine of all: Smile a lot! Never take life very seriously. Have the tendency to do this. Smiling not only frees the diaphragm, it also releases fear and anxiety. It will make you feel great!

Have fun!

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