Six reasons to do pilates (even if your back does not hurt)

2:46 PM

The benefits of this method would not fit in the fingers of one hand. Created for dancers in the 20s, it devastates its therapeutic properties... and sports.

The Pilates classes are seen with a certain superiority on the part of the athletes who give everything in the weight room or those who stick their tongues on the back of their spinning bike. It seems to be a variant of 'gentle gymnastics' for older people or to recover from injuries. But it would suffice that any of those who think like this will go through one of their sessions to realize their gross error. It is true that it is not a 'cardio' table, that makes you jump like there is no tomorrow or sweat to the seas, but the exercise you do is between moderate and high. It will depend on the student and also on the monitor. And your body will notice the results.

1. Strengthens the musculature

In the 1920s, Joseph Pilates created this discipline as a training for dancers, who needed to be as flexible as they were muscled. Weightlifting exercises decrease flexibility, so they were not the most suitable for them. So already in the birth of this discipline muscle growth is contemplated, but in a very different way from the usual. People who regularly practice pilates cause their muscles to face opposing forces, so that fibers are broken and when they are regenerated it is when the muscle is increased.

Although you will not see any signs of dumbbells in these classes, in many cases you work with spring or band resistors. And if you have doubts about the intense muscular work of this discipline, try the Pilates in suspension, a really hard variant only suitable for those who are very fit.

Of course, you're not going to look like Popeye for practicing Pilates regularly. With these classes it is possible to fiber the muscles, define them or reaffirm them. And its results are especially noticeable in the 'core' (the belt of the abdomen that holds the weight of the whole body and that among the 'pilaters' is known as 'powerhouse'). In addition to ironing the belly, also elevates those butts that look down to the ground and defines the arms.

2. Lose fat

Another of its most unknown benefits is its ability to burn fat. When we move away from aerobic exercise, it seems that there is no possibility of losing weight. And it is not like that. The practice of this method makes the muscles more flexible and lengthens the range of movement. On the other hand and as we mentioned in the previous point, it also gets us to muscle. Therefore, the more muscle mass we have, our basal metabolism will be higher and therefore more fat we will burn. Pilates classes vary greatly depending on the modality (in suspension, on the ground, with machines ...) you can burn up to 450 calories, a higher figure than those consumed in some sessions of weights. Obviously, these benefits are multiplied if you combine it with some kind of 'cardio' weekly (and even say that to look sylph you should also monitor the diet).

3. Have more resistance

The Pilates method is used as training to practice other sports. And even if you do not go barefoot to the class to be an ace from another discipline, you will notice that you have more muscular endurance and, in short, more strength. The reason is that the majority of movements that are made in these classes require a continued contraction of the muscles. Surely, the time in which you hold that contraction is much longer than in any other class. And that shows: you will be stronger and you will get less tired.

On the other hand, pacing the breath with all the movements you are doing serves to oxygenate the muscles, so you will also be strengthening the strength and strength.

4. Gain flexibility

Surely this is the best known benefit of these classes: the 'pilaters' look like rubber, whatever their age. You will notice it within a few weeks of practicing it. Stretches and elongations help you expand the range of movements when you also practice other types of exercises. In fact, weights or other workouts tend to 'shorten' the muscles, so it is advisable to combine it with the Pilates method. In addition to being able to boast of touching the tip of your feet, stretching is very important, both to prevent injuries and to lubricate the joints and thus prevent wear and aging.

5. Improve your mood

It may not be noticeable when you look in the mirror, but regular Pilates practice will bring you peace of mind. On the one hand, by being aware of your breathing, you will be connecting with your body, knowing it better and, at the same time, leaving worries aside. On the other hand, the improvements are palpable from the 10 classes and soar at 30 and that is a balm that increases self-esteem. In addition to seeing you better, you will be aware that you can do more things: you hold more time doing exercises; you have more strength, more flexibility. Come on, you'll want to throw kisses to yourself. And finally, several studies show that you sleep better after a session, although it is not advisable to do it before going to bed.

6. And how do I get all this?

Let's say you're convinced to sign up for the Pilates method. If you have time, the best thing to maximize your benefits is to do three weekly classes of 45 minutes. It is very important that you learn to breathe correctly, so if you go to a course that is already started, explain to the teacher that you are a novice and insist that he explain how you should breathe. It is not as easy as it seems. Finally, do not practice pilates after having eaten, because it is not recommended.

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