
5 Yoga Postures to Reduce Abs

2:47 PM

For esthetics or health, nobody, especially women, would like to look a bulging abdomen or showing an excess of fat. There are many alternatives to get a flat stomach and among them are various yoga poses.

Yoga is a discipline that is based on three pillars: mind, body and spirit. Its essential objective is to create a balance between these three elements that generates to the individual a total well-being.

As a technique that conditions and strengthens the body through flexibility, yoga is excellent for maintaining weight and having a flat abdomen. Therefore, Salud180.com offers you five yoga poses that will allow you to burn that fat that does not allow you to wear the clothes you want:

1. Iron. This is done by keeping the back straight, with the palms of the hands resting on the surface and the abdominals firm. The body should make a straight line from the feet to the head. The position should be maintained for 5 minutes by breathing deeply.

2. Boat. To do this you must sit on a flat surface and raise your legs so that your back is straight, your abs contracted and your upper body forms an almost straight angle with your legs. The position can be maintained for 5 minutes depending on the strength of your abs.

3. The snake. Lie on your stomach and place your hands under your shoulders, then gently raise your head and chest. Try not to use hand strength. Hold the position for 1 and a half minutes. Relax and repeat it again. The last time it takes 2 or 3 seconds to lift the trunk while you are inhaling and another 2 or 3 seconds in the exhalation when you are lowering it.

4. Pashchimottanasan. Keep your legs straight and relaxed, your arms stretched out over your head. Sit up straight with the help of your stomach muscles only and keep your legs flat on the floor. Lean forward and grasp your toes with both hands. Try to hold this position for 2 minutes.

5. Face down. Start standing up, and then lean forward, placing the palms of the hands at the same distance from the shoulders, until they support the floor. We form a triangle with legs and arms, inserting the head between them falling relaxed looking at the ground. Maintain this yoga position for 20 seconds, breathed deeply through the nose.

Not only is exercise basic to staying fit, you also need to have a balanced diet. Remember, health comes from within.

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