
Risks that hide miracle diets, uncovered

12:36 PM

These diets can disturb the metabolism and in the worst cases cause cardiovascular diseases.
A high percentage of the population, especially women, have apealled to sometimes called miracle diets.

These are characterized by offering (without scientific basis) a rapid weight loss, supposedly effective
and in most cases, effortless. However, they are easily recognizable:

- They are not supervised by a medical professional.

- They are addressed to any individual without regard to previous pathologies, personal characteristics or habits of life.

- They are exclusive: they are based on the abuse of certain types of food excluding others, or if they do not, it is because they sell you some kind of "miracle product" that allows you to continue eating.

- Promise fast weight loss.

- They provide less energy than is needed with important nutritional deficiencies.

- They do not teach to acquire healthy habits of life that can be maintained in the time.

According to Dr. Amaro, author of the patented weight loss treatment as the definitive diet, The Amaro Method: "Any weight loss treatment should be supervised by a medical professional who values the patient's health status at Beginning of the same and to see so that there is no previous type of pathology that can be aggravated by the treatment of weight loss ".

There are different types of miracle diets, however none of them effective in the long term given that rapid weight loss is given by reducing fluids, electrolytes, glycogen stores and body proteins but not fat. This causes that once the treatment is finished, the lost pounds are regained and even some more.

The negative consequences of miracle diets can be of different nature and degree.

The most common risks are:

- Bounce effect, which occurs in 100% of miracle diets given that they do not teach them to acquire healthy living habits that can be maintained over time. "Learning what to eat, how to eat it and when to eat it is imperative for a weight loss treatment to be effective and lasting. This is one of the main objectives that i set with each of my patients so that, really, the diet can be definitive" Says Dr. Amaro.

- Food shortages. Much of the miracle diets rely on their effectiveness in the almost exclusive consumption of certain types of food and the total exclusion of others. Any weight loss treatment should include all food groups (fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, nuts, sugars, minerals, dairy) only to ensure the necessary nutrients for the body.

- Alterations in metabolism. Basal metabolism is the energy Issued that the body makes to survive. This one comes pre-defined genetically and from the 30 years begins to slow down. "Our body is very intelligent and the fact of having submitted to all kinds of diets makes it put in" saving mode "anticipating that another period of lack may arrive," says Dr. Amaro. Increasing the basal metabolism should be, along with healthy weight loss, one of the goals of any diet so that it is definitive and does not produce the rebound effect Cardiovascular, dermatological or hepatic alterations with the consequent risk to health, especially if there is already some previous pathology.

- Eating Disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia).

- Neuropsychic disorders such as insomnia, irritability, anxiety.

Keys to a healthy and definitive diet:

- Must be supervised by a medical professional, specialized in nutrition.

- It must include all food groups so that the nutritional contribution is adequate and does not endanger
the health.

- It should include an exercise routine adapted to the tastes and habits of each person.

- It must take into account the basal metabolism that is part to increase it.

"If we are feeling tired, irritable, or have headaches, it is because the body is warning us that something is not right and that there is a lack. It is important that we do not play with our health, the consequences can be important" , Says Dr. Amaro.

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