The interior search through yoga

11:27 AM

The Venezuelan Érika Tucker calls herself Sri Mataji Shaktiananda. Since 1991, he began a process of change and considers that he was awakened by Shiva consciousness and Mahavatar Babaji, who come from the Hindu tradition.

What does it mean to be a woman ruler of the Vedic tradition?

At this time, not much, because people do not know what is the Vedic tradition, sanatan dharma or the only true path. The Vedas is the spiritual teaching par excellence that was given to humanity. I was given that title, I assume it as an internal commitment with which I seek to awaken and generate awareness in others.

So, what is the Vedic tradition?

There are some sacred books prior to any religious-spiritual pronouncement in which the great sages, who studied being, discovered the way of transcending the body, venturing towards the experience of the spirit. People do not access that information because it confuses it with something religious and other beliefs colonized and paganized that. Many see India as something far away, they stayed with the imposed religion and did not look for their spirituality.

If it is not something religious, how is it explained?

It's like a way of interpreting the soul, that has no possible philosophical connotation. People are confused within what was the imaginary. There may be in a figure of the shiva nataraja the fusion of the atom and people believe that it is a shiva, a god, but it is really the human recreation of that.

What does it take to be able to interpret the soul?

An awakening.

When did you have that awakening?

I wish people did not live my choice, that it was due to a process of pain. The new man is ruling out that pain is what leads him to do so, but now has as a goal a healthy and timely search that leads to this. I had a rupture of consciousness with death, I had great attraction to what death was, more than fear. When I saw my dead mother on my knees I had an eclipse. There I denied: first I deny and then I search. It was in 1991, when I started my process.

You speak of the "unique and true path", what is it?

The one of the unique conscience, what happens is that everything went disguising as religion. We must understand that there is only one force that has no name, although man insisted on giving it to him. Jesus was a manifesto, but not the only one or the first, like Buddha or Muhammad ... There have been so many. If one de-programs within what may be our consciousness, what we have misunderstood is the creative force.

She says she is a woman ruler of India, how does she manage to trace her ancestry to make that claim?

The first person who delved into the contents of my past lives was a Colombian, he told me that I come from spiritual teachers; I did not understand what he was talking about. It was Pereira, a man with a power of vision that I have not seen in anyone. Over time his words began to make more sense. The moment you begin to work the mobilization of your inner prana, you begin to remember. It is as if all the cellular memory circuits are activated and you will begin to recognize yourself. We contain information.

Have you met more people who have the same story?

There are people who, by dint of meditating, of their own volition - without cheap regressions, without having to enter into hypnosis or anything like that - began to remember. On that there is a lot of literature that people take to reinforce what is now, to recognize themselves in something more than the other. The most intimate pleasures or the most terrible phobias and fears of a person have to do with cellular memory.

What is yoga for you?

It is a path, a discipline, a door. Yes, I would recommend people not to stay in the superficiality of physical yoga, but there are many types of yoga and schools.

What is your type of yoga and school?

We had to develop a kind of yoga of our own, because I was awakened by shiva consciousness and Mahavatar Babaji, who is Shiva himself. They recommended that within what could have been these spiritual sectarianisms, people who would adjudicate yoga as their own philosophy could come into conflict. That's why I put shiva kriya yoga.

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