
1st Month - Operation Summer 2014 Fitness in Women

6:00 PM

Hello everybody! Ready for the challenge of summer 2014?

Well girls, here is the first publication of the training that you will have to follow to reach your goal from here to the following summer. We have a year ahead of hard work, weight sessions, directed activities, cardio ... But one of the main efforts will be to lead a healthy and healthy life, where the fundamental role for our goal will be nutrition.

Month to month we will be putting the trainings so that you go progressing and do not stagnate. We will start little by little, taking into account that most of you start from scratch, although it will also be ideal for those who already have a basic physical level, but want to improve your training in order to achieve objectives.

For those who will train in the gym

At the beginning, as a training, we will make a circuit of machines that we will repeat several days and, little by little, we will increase the stimuli and demand more. We will go from training from one form to another more and more intense and where each one will have to look for their own limits. A good note would be that you take reference of the weights that you put on each machine to try to overcome them the following week.

For those who will train at home

It would be advisable that you were pointing if you arrive at the repetitions or, on the contrary, if you are left over. In this way you can keep track to compare the evolution with respect to the previous week and be able to continue progressing, either increasing the number of repetitions or decreasing the rest time between sets. The only material we are going to need are some dumbbells with interchangeable discs. Those who have more material, you can make use of it, but from Fitness in Women we want to focus on training for those who do not have the resources at your disposal.

Let's do it!

In this first month we will dedicate 3 days a week to perform strength exercises, either with our own weight or in the gym, with machines and dumbbells. To be able to, we will train always in alternate days and not followed. Then, we will spend one day doing cardiovascular exercise exclusively.

An example for the planning of the toning routine would be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, although each one can adapt it and mold it to their own availability. And, on the other hand, we choose another day of the week to do the cardio exercise, which does not coincide with the days when we train weights.



Part that none of you can jump. It is very important to mentalize ourselves of the exercise that we are going to carry out later; It serves to begin to warm up, prepare the body and avoid unwanted injuries.

As a general rule, a warm-up should be composed of cardiovascular exercise and a phase of joint mobility and finally a specific phase, which will always depend on the exercise that we are going to do next. 

Main part

Here comes the good, do not put much weight, but you must perform the exercise correctly. The technique is the most important, as is heating to prevent injuries. Therefore, pay attention to all movements and do them thoroughly, working correctly and maintaining the technique, if you do not want to suffer injuries and stay away from the exercise for a while.

We will work in each exercise a number of series and, at the end of all series, we move on to the next exercise. That is to say that we will do some specific repetitions of each exercise, we will rest, and we will do other repetitions (which would be two series), until completing the series indicated for each one of them. Finally we will move on to the next exercise.

Exercises for those who go to the gym

- Week 1 and 2 -

The technique of the exercise must predominate over the weight, you have to reach 15 repetitions well; let's not stay in the number 13. There will be time later to train hard, so for now, we are in the adaptation phase.

We will rest between series 50 "depending on our level. Anyway, we are in a phase of physical conditioning, where we will be lubricating the machinery for the following month.

- Week 3 and 4 -

It is the same training as last weeks, but now we will rest between series 40 ", depending on our level too and we will increase the weights with respect to the previous weeks. Get over every week :)!

Exercises for those who train at home

Must predominate the technique and the correct position at the time of performing the exercise, although we do fewer repetitions, but always with a correct control over our body.

- Week 1 and 2 -

Cooling - Return to calm

Both for those who go to the gym and those who train at home, at the end of the training session we will perform 10 minutes at a gentle pace of cardiovascular exercise on the treadmill, walking outdoors, riding a bike, or doing a static or elliptical bike, at a low intensity, around 65% of your maximum heart rate.

Finally, we will perform stretches of all muscle groups, maintaining the position for 20 "without reaching pain (very important).


The objective of this day is to do a little cardiovascular exercise in a smooth way, without over 80% intensity, always moderate intensity low for the moment.

We will make progressions in which we will walk for a while, and we will trot another time for the case of the tape. In the case of the bike, it is the same but changing the intensity, which may be giving more pedaling cadence or increasing resistance. And with the elliptical equal. The idea is to generate peaks with varying intensities.

You can choose the cardio machine that you like the most, with which you feel comfortable. The important thing is the fact of doing the work and doing it at ease. You can also alternate and do a week each thing or perform a time of each; for tastes the colors, it will be by options.

Initial basic progression

- Weeks 1 and 2 -

We will walk at a good pace on the treadmill, without trotting for 10 minutes. Once we reach the 10th minute we will make series in which we will trot for 1 minute and recover walking for 2 minutes. This sequence will be repeated 8 times and finally we will walk at a slower pace (65% ppm) for 10 minutes.

You can always choose the working method, the question is to do it, we say "walk", but you can choose the bike, the tape or the elliptical. Now you have to decide champions.

The one that has more level can make another different progression, such as running 2 minutes, walking 1 minute or jogging all the time from minute 10.

This will serve us for all cases, each one must adapt to their level, logically the training always have to be individual and depending on the level of physical condition of the person. This means that it is very good to have a guide, but in the end it is you who have to decide if you can more or not, since we are not with you as a personal trainer to adapt the exercise to each one.

Progression 2

- Weeks 3 and 4 -

We will walk at a good pace on the treadmill, without trotting for 10 minutes. Once reached the 10th minute, we will make series in which we will trot for 1'30 "and will recover walking for 2 minutes, this sequence will be repeated 8 times and finally we will walk at a slower pace (65% ppm) for 10 minutes at a continuous pace, with which we increase the volume and, with it, the workload.

Instructions and considerations to keep in mind

There will be girls who evolve faster and others more slowly, but it is normal, since this is a very very general training. As we have said before, the training should be personalized according to each person and their level of physical activity, from Fitness in Women in collaboration with Javier Lanau Personal Trainer we just want to give you some proposals and some guidelines, so that you follow a progression and power keep yourself motivated. Then each one of you has to adapt the training to yourself or by your means, consulting each case, or with a personal trainer, who is the person who will know you best and will know how to adapt the exercise.

If you have doubts, we can clarify them, we will try to do it as soon as possible. And nothing more to say, encourage all to try the fitness world and those that are already involved, keep it up, working hard to get every day to improve your physical condition.

We would also like to make reference to the fact that this training plan does not take into account the possible injuries / illnesses that some of you may have, with which, we suggest you always ask the doctor beforehand in these cases or to a professional of the physical activity and the Health.

As you can see, the planing is very simple and easy to follow, every time we will be working with more intensity or doing more work to gradually refine.

Another very important thing is the nutrition issue, we will be putting some basic tips on nutrition, but we cannot make you a diet to follow, since each of you are different and, depending on your activity on a day-to-day basis, you will have different nutritional requirements. What we will be putting examples of healthy menus, but we cannot put the amounts, since that would be depending on the person.

Suggested directed activities: here we leave the directed activities that usually have in the gyms that you can do well:

  • Body pump
  • Pilates
  • ABS
  • Step
  • Gap
  • Aquafitness
  • Spinning
  • Healthy back

All of them must be done at your level. We are at the beginning of a long journey, with which we must start little by little also in the classes. It is not worth crushing us one day and then being 3 without being able to train.

Finally, encourage everyone to train, either with this training or with any other. The important thing after all is to train, have fun and improve day by day. And that is in your little hands. So go for it!

Feel in training

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