Fun classes for your students to enjoy Yoga

7:28 PM

How can I do fun classes? There are some tricks, today we are going to tell you 12. Surely you will notice the difference and improve the influx to them!

It is a usual doubt among Yoga instructors, that you want your students to enjoy and thus get closer and closer to Yoga. If you want to be an extraordinary teacher, you will have to do something special. Here we present some tricks.

If you are not a teacher, you can propose these ideas or carry them out in your Yoga sessions at home.

Fun classes start with bad jokes

Okay, it does not have to be that way, but it can help. I know some Yoga teacher who starts his classes with some joke or nonsense, including bad jokes. The good thing about bad jokes, or some, is that they are so bad that you laugh.

It is a way to relax and your students will appreciate it because you will be giving fun, different, special classes.

Color on the walls

The decoration is important. Not that it is the main thing, but it does help. A classroom with bright colors on the walls, give you the feeling of having activity, they encourage you.

Especially if we compare it with what we normally see. After spending all day in white-walled offices, seeing uniformed people, all cars black, navy blue, white (with small differences in the tones) ... suddenly you find yourself in a large room, with colors like yellow or the red ...

Not only is the option to paint the walls, you can also put lights to change depending on what you want that day.

It is something different, as if you left the routine. Test it.

Phrases or photos

Painting the walls is an investment in time and money. If you can’t do it at the moment, try putting inspirational messages such as the Phrase of the Day, or photos.

They can be landscapes, people, asanas or riddles ... think what you could put. But it has to be different, to make the Yoga classes something special, that nobody comes out thinking that they have lived a normal experience, like any other day.

Name the positions

Yes, they have a name, and even a bit weird in Sanskrit that has been used for a long time. But you can put an original that remains in the memory of the students.

The Tadasana or Posture of the Mountain could be the Position of the Soldier, in position of firm.

The Savasana or Posture of the Corpse would be "the murder" and you can tell the students that you have to stay still, as if the scientific police had to point out the position of the victim, as in the movies. Or if you want to keep the mystery a little, call it Posture of the Chalk, to see if someone realizes what it is before doing it (at least in the movies, those lines are made with chalk).

The Hasta Uttanasana (the second of the Salute to the Sun) would be the Posture of Awakening, because it seems that you stretch as when you just got up. You can invent any other name: Yawn or early riser Posture.

The Uttanasana or Posture of the Clamp, would be the Posture of the Suit (Folded), also the Paschimottanasana (which is the Sitting Clamp).

Do you have more ideas? Tell us! Among all we can do the fun classes that we would like to go or impart.

Music ... but not always

If one day you see your students standing a little, it may be because they have had a hard day or it is very hot, or they are lazy. In any case, the job of a good Yoga teacher is to put them in the class. Not literally, of course.

Getting them involved in those days when it costs more is a delicate task. You can use the music in your favor, putting something that activates them that invites them to get the best out of themselves and take advantage of the class.

And vice versa, if they are stressed, a relaxing, chill-out style music can help.

The emotional intelligence of the Yoga instructor is essential to know when to make use of this resource and what to put exactly.

For these cases also helps what we saw before: the motivating phrases or images that awaken something inside the student.

Special days

There are many days in the calendar. You can dedicate one to the month or every week or biweekly to celebrate or give a special class.

You can bring special guests, ask your student yogis to concentrate and dedicate the class to a specific goal, allow them to bring a companion to participate, etc. There are many options.

You can also see the next point to make your classes fun.

When the good weather arrives...

When the good weather arrives you can take advantage to go out to a nearby garden. In Madrid I have seen it many times, including several classes in the El Retiro Park.

Go out to practice outdoors and you will see how exciting it is to practice Yoga in the middle of nature (even in a park in the middle of the city). People will be watching what you do and most likely some will come to ask where you can start practicing Yoga.

Thematic classes

It is related to the special days we talked about before. There are many options to choose from and students can participate in this decision process.

For example, you could dedicate an entire class to perfecting the asanas of greeting the sun, taking advantage of the fact that it is the most important and famous sequence and that many yogis practice it every day. You could also teach the Greeting to the Moon, to have the balance of an energizing and a relaxing sequence.

Another option is to dedicate the class to try backbends, investments and other curious positions that stimulate your students.

The students decide

Involve your students in the development of the classes, not just obey the instructions you give. Let them know that some minutes of the class are intended for each yogi to choose any of the Yoga postures, whichever one suits them according to their state of mind, their strength, etc.

Apart from the above, you can entrust a student to lead the class. Obviously it has to be a person who has something more experience, and in what fails or if it is not clear the normal order of the asana (there are some that follow the others in a natural way) you can correct or propose exercises.

This implication will be total.

Yoga as a couple!

Another way you can transform your sessions into fun classes is through Yoga as a couple. There are very funny postures. Or rather its implementation with a partner.

You can combine this with one of the previous points, where we invited you to open the doors of your class from time to time to classmates of your students. So, in addition, you can make yourself known to many people.

There must be some challenge...

Everything easy ends up boring us, it becomes routine and we stop appreciating it. Therefore, introduce in your sessions some position that yogis do not do well. Or better yet, that they find it impossible to get it done in their current state of formation.

Your students will feel they have a lot to learn yet. They will also want to take on that challenge and will want to return again and again. That way you'll have fun classes.

...But not too many

Introducing that challenge is good to get the best out of a yogi, but you have to be careful. If the positions are too difficult for a student's level, they will feel bad. If you add that your colleagues can take years ahead in practice and, therefore, can make those positions, the feeling for those who can’t do it is worse.

I hope you introduce these elements to have fun classes. If any of these elements have seemed good to you, please comment and share it. If you have any ideas that can improve this article, say it! Your contribution is important. If so, I ask you to give us 5 stars and share and comment on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Thank you very much! Namaste

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