How to Improve Body Balance with Yoga

10:24 AM

The increase of stability and balance that is achieved with the practice of yoga can help our parents and grandfather, and because not ourselves, to avoid falls.

The practice of balance may require considerable effort. It is a very important and often forgotten part of our routine.

A good balance protects us against bumps and falls.

While some people consider balance as an issue for the elderly, it is a task to develop at any age. Many real-life activities require a good balance: walking, getting out of a car, putting on a pair of pants, or playing sports such as sky or tennis.

A study conducted showed that with only five minutes of balance practice, the risk of ankle sprain in high school athletes was reduced by 77%. An adequate balance is based on a control of three senses: visual, vestibular (located in the ear), and somatic sensorial.

These senses decrease with age, and health problems related to vision, or hearing, diseases affecting the nerves such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, or conditions that limit movement and flexibility such as arthritis, can have a great effect on your balance.

Alcohol and certain drugs can also affect your balance.

There are several methods to exercise balance, such as tai-chi, or yoga. A fluid practice of yoga increases our proprioception, which is the sense that informs the organism of the position of the muscles, and also allows us to feel where our body is without the need to look.

Yoga improves our knowledge about our own body.

In a study conducted, it was found that out of 24 women who completed an Iyengar Yoga course for nine weeks designed for the elderly, they all improved their balance, improved the range of motion and flexibility in their legs and feet, and increased their confidence in their ability to walk.

Additionally, they were able to distribute their weight equally between their two feet, which improved their overall stability. Remember that the biggest cause of premature death and disability in the third age are falls.

The positions of the tree, mountain, and triangle position are suggested to improve the balance.

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