Session of force with elastic bands. Sedentary woman of 40 years.

2:11 PM

Today I return with another material to add to the downloads section. A few weeks ago in the subject of prescription of physical activity for special populations, my classmates and I, we did a work on what a strength session with elastic bands would be like for a sedentary woman who has never had physical exercise planned or structured.

Then I'll talk a little about the introduction we made with the general considerations we should have before such a case. Finally I will leave you the model session and all the photos we took of the exercises (with indications and contraindications) so that you can use them freely for any work or simply so that they can illustrate you better.


The first thing we did was describe what pathology the woman suffered and what the reasons that led her to start moving were. In this case, the pathology or condition of the woman was a sedentary lifestyle.

What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? I'm going to leave this scheme that summarizes everything very well.

Once we know the pathological origin or condition of the person who wants to start training, we must perform an interview along with a risk stratification in the face of sports practice. The links that may interest you for this point are "Do not get thrown around your neck! Documents for the initial interview "and" Evaluation of risk factors ".


  • Breathe normally, avoiding the valsalva maneuver (NSCA, 2012).
  • Maintain a neutral alignment of the spine at all times (Panjabi, 1992).
  • In the prescribed exercises, it will be important to keep the knees bent at 90º when seated and not to flex the knee more than 120º during the squat (NSCA, 2012).
  • Do not forget to keep track of the menstrual cycle in terms of the rise or fall of load refers. This will vary depending on the phase in which the woman is (Godoy et al., 2010).
  • Alternation of push and pull exercises.
  • Combination of upper member with lower.
  • The CORE exercises, for the end, because they compromise the state of fatigue of the own musculature ordered to stabilize the trunk during the execution of the exercises (Vera et al., 2005).



  • General: 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on an elliptical or static bicycle at intensity 2-3 RPE.
  • Specific: 5 minutes of joint mobility and dynamic stretching of the muscles involved.

Main part:

5 exercises in a circuit with elastic bands completing 2 laps (2 sets per exercise) performing 15 (30) repetitions (except in spinal stabilization exercises), resting 15 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between laps.

Session: 2x [5 × 15 (30) / 15 "] / 2'.

Back to the calm:

Relaxation game


Here below I leave a pdf file that contains the different photos of the exercises with elastic bands (correct and incorrect execution) with the option to copy them and make the use you need. CORE exercises are not included.

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