Yoga for the elderly Exercises by age

10:00 AM

Feel younger and enjoy your retirement and grandchildren with more energy. For your well-being and that of your family, do Yoga for the elderly.

Introduction to Yoga for the elderly

Doing yoga brings great things and together they increase your quality of life. It is scientifically proven that Yoga for the elderly is good for the bones and prevents falls. It's about doing physical and mental exercises to improve are as you are right now. We take into account the age, physical condition and other factors to choose the best way to focus on Yoga for the elderly.

Because of course you have to make age distinctions. There are exercises for people over 50, who are very young but better to start as soon as possible, and consist of more movement; for people over 60, some of them are not retired and have less time, and others who are and want to enjoy their time walking, traveling ...; for people over 70, who need it more because they spend more time at home; and for those over 80 there is Yoga with a chair, which I explain later.

Yoga for the elderly is closely related to therapeutic Yoga. Think that the therapist tries to cure diseases or cope better, and exercises for older people also to improve the quality of life. In addition, the mental exercises are the same, because to meditate alone is enough the intention to dedicate time, and you will see the results.

Different objectives according to your age

Indeed, as I just said briefly, Yoga for adults has different objectives depending on the age you have.

In the 50s: Start before you need it

Much better to start from children, and if not in adolescence or when you are older, but no matter how old you are: Yoga will always improve your life. Therefore we have to focus on the sooner the better.

Few people with 50 years of age will think they need it ("yes I am perfectly") but they are as wrong as those who are 20 years old. Physical exercise, and especially one as practiced throughout the world as Yoga, is always good.

In the 60s: You enjoy more of your time

It is a stage of life in which most people retire, very few do before. Suddenly you do not know what to do, after all your life starting the day with the alarm clock. You have to enjoy your hobbies and look for new ones.

And to enjoy everything you want to do you have to be full of energy. You will achieve this with Yoga for people over 60, but Yoga is more than a simple exercise to enjoy the rest. You will enjoy Yoga, and it will be useful for other hobbies.

Since retirement many people take care of grandchildren. And how hard to keep up with them! If you want to play with them, you have to be fine. They do not have to be games like football, basketball, etc. Also at home, with toys, they are up and down, all the time.

In the 70s: You can have a lot of mobility

If you have not started before, you can do Yoga for people over 70 and recover mobility. If you started earlier, you will see yourself better than friends of your age and even better than those who have less. In that case, you can do Yoga for the elderly and continue to maintain a very good quality of life.

You will be amazed at how good you will be. Exercises improve lung capacity and leg strength, in addition to preventing falls.

Yoga for adults over 80

From the age of 80, the exercises are directed to breathe better, to exercise the mind and to calm down. Memory losses are typical at this age. Thanks to Yoga for the elderly your brain is more active, and therefore it seems easy to retrieve the information you are looking for.

In summary, Yoga is good for all people, regardless of age, sex or any other condition. That's why you have to start as soon as possible and it will be very good for you.

Benefits of Yoga for seniors

We are something more than a set of cells, and Yoga takes millennia explaining and acting accordingly. Since he perfectly understands the essence and nature of the human being, the appropriate exercises for the mind, body and spirit are known. These exercises have been transmitted from one generation to another, and all have obtained the numerous benefits of Yoga.

  • Altogether the benefits of Yoga for seniors lead to the same point: better quality of life and more energy.
  • And in Yoga for the elderly in particular we can see the following benefits for the body.

  • Increased flexibility in all joints and muscles of the body. As a consequence, mobility is greater and wider.
  • It favors the correct interaction between the nervous system.
  • The joints are better since they support less weight to have thinned.
  • The muscles of the back are strengthened, maintaining a better posture. This reduces the appearance of scoliosis and combat.
  • You keep physical activity constant. This prevents you from falling into the immobility syndrome, which may be due to an accident, from which you stop doing physical activity, or to a gradual decrease in habitual exercises such as going for a walk.
  • Yoga exercises for the elderly improve balance.
  • Several parts of the body act at the same time, so they can be seen as coordination exercises.
  • The two benefits above serve to significantly reduce the number of falls and trips. The disappearance of the side effects of these falls must also be taken into account.
  • Improves muscle tone the activity produces not only the maintenance in good conditions of the physical form, but helps to be stronger and healthier.
  • Strengthens bones Yoga helps prevent osteoporosis, as indicated by certain scientific studies.
  • Increase lung capacity. This increases the quality of life by not having to rely on oxygen cylinders or other similar elements
  • Yoga exercises for the elderly help the process of blood circulation, improving oxygen levels and transporting nutrients throughout the body.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Improves the functioning of the sexual organs.
  • In addition to the body, the mind also benefits:
  • It is ideal to activate the mind. Scientists calculate that 10,000 natural neurons are lost (without having diseases, naturally), but Yoga for the elderly makes the loss not noticeable because it creates more connections between them so that the flow of information between neurons increases.
  • It has a relaxing effect.
  • When exercising, you have a feeling of satisfaction opposite to the feeling generated by laziness.
  • Increase concentration you can keep your mind fixed on a subject for longer, getting to understand the essence of the object you focus on.
  • It helps control emotions. This results in body tension, which is reduced, as we saw earlier.
  • If you wish, you can see what the many benefits of Yoga in full are by clicking the words above in blue.

Precautions in Yoga for seniors

Yoga for the elderly is safe and easy to do. You just have to put interest, and you can notice yourself better in all aspects.

Even so, it is necessary to consider some things:
  • It is necessary to exercise on a correct Yoga mat. The WideMat is the only mat with enough size for you to be able to perform Yoga exercises for adults without getting out of it.
  • The WideMat Yoga mat provides the necessary support to keep you stable, without slipping, thanks to its double non-slip surface.
  • The width of the WideMat mat is greater than the rest of the mats, so it cushions more and is more comfortable.
  • Do not feel neither the cold nor the heat of the floor, which reduces the chances of catching a cold or suffering a heat stroke.

The helps in Yoga for the elderly

You can find someone to help you make sure you do the postures well. Besides, you can help that person to do the exercises as well. The result would be to share something as beautiful as Yoga with an important person for you.

That person who helps you can be your husband or wife, your children or grandchildren, a friend, etc. You will live better all the people that participate, for what I recommend that you pose to your acquaintances the idea of ​​doing Yoga for the elderly.


Yoga for the elderly is the best way to increase your quality of life. Do the Yoga exercises with the security provided by the WideMat mat and you will feel satisfaction and the joy of improvement?

I remind you that your age, whatever it is, is good for Yoga. There are different types of Yoga according to age, and the sooner you start you will be much better. The pity is that Yoga was not widespread in the West until a few decades ago and few practiced it as children or young people.

But that can change from you. Do Yoga for the elderly, accompanying your grandchildren, children, friends or acquaintances and you will be doing them a great favor to do so, and above you will notice even more than them. Above all, they will thank you tomorrow.

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