
How to buy a Yoga and Pilates mat

3:23 PM

(7-7-2017). One of the essential elements to practice Yoga and Pilates is the mat. Here we analyze with the advice of the specialists of Deporshop ten factors that we should value when buying it.

The disciplines of Yoga and Pilates are the most practiced in gyms and sports centers. An essential element to perform the routines of the exercises is the mat or mat. Deporshop specialists explain several characteristics that we should value when choosing this element and help us to know how to buy it:


Since Yoga and Pilates are disciplines whose numerous exercises are practiced lying on the pavement, it is important that the mat provide maximum comfort.

For this the thickness of the mat influences a lot. There are some mats with a thickness of about 3 or 4 millimeters, but there are options ranging from 2 mm to 6 mm. Deporshop specialists prefer to work with superior ranges of 7, 10 and 15 mm.


Since we invest in a mat, the price and durability ratio is important. The most advisable thing is to spend something more so that the product we buy does not have to be renewed every year.

There are brands, especially those chosen by professionals and instructors, who lend great durability and are used for years, with which the expense made is amortized by its long use.


Deporshop specialists recognize that it is one of the most frequent queries. Users who have bought a mat and check how after several uses the odor of sweat is impregnated in the element, this factor being very annoying.


When practicing the postures and exercises of Yoga and Pilates, where balance positions are made, a fundamental aspect is that our mat or surface does not slip. This can happen with sweat or with the same inertia of movement. That is why it is so important to purchase a mat that ensures maximum traction, that has a good anti-slip system.


There are mats that incorporate antibacterial and antifungal benefits. They tend to be more expensive, but for people with allergies or wishing to avoid fungal infections or other bacteria, they are ideal.


There is a wide range of prices, which is also directly related to their qualities and benefits. Each user must evaluate to what extent it is worthwhile to acquire a very cheap mat that later lasts little or is not practical in its use. From Deporshop explain that their mats start from 18 euros to the most expensive, from 29.90 euros for a mat of almost two meters.


The mats of the market offer different sizes so that each user can choose the most suitable for their body measurements. There are longer or wider so that they facilitate the practice of Yoga and Pilates depending on the needs or tastes of each person.


More and more environmentally friendly materials are incorporated into the manufacture of the mats. They are ecological elements, made of natural materials or free of toxic ingredients in their composition. The specialists of Deporshop affirm that there are several materials and compositions, of high density or die-cut, whose properties offer, for example, greater softness to the touch.


Depending on the materials, the thickness and the size, the mat will weigh more or less. We must assess in advance what weight is the one that best fits our priorities. Some do not even weigh 1 kilogram others reach 4 kilograms as they are large. We will have to consider which is the best option when transporting it or if we have the advantage of having a box office to store it in the gym. We will also value if we carry the mat on the trips and trips to practice Yoga and Pilates. Thus, we could opt for a lighter and more comfortable.


Finally, from Deporshop recommend that we check if the mat has eyelets to hang. Users may find it more convenient to hang the mat instead of having it on the floor or in other spaces.

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