
"Pound fitness": mix of techniques for the body

8:46 AM

As it happens in the world of fashion, fitness has a wide offer for all tastes. If among your resolutions this year was "get fit" and you did not find the ideal class for you, it may not be too late to cross off that list from the list.

Each training program has been created in order not only to offer benefits to those who practice it, but also to captivate it, keep it hooked, surprise it and, in some cases, even turn it into an artist.

Have you ever wanted to be in a rock band and be the drummer in it?

Although it sounds crazy, there is an exercise program inspired by this contagious and energetic adventure that simulates touching the batteries while you exercise.

"Pound fitness" is nothing more than a type of training that mixes the yoga and pilates techniques with cardiovascular exercises using pop, rock and hip hop music, while imitating playing the drums to the beat of the musical beat.

Despite using music as a basis, it is not a kind of dance, but rather muscle strengthening and toning.

How does it arise and where does it come from?

Pound was created in 2011 by two recreational drummers and university athletes: Kirsten Potenza and Cristina Peerenboom. Both required to keep their bodies stable, thin and symmetrically aligned, so they practiced Pilates regularly. In spite of obtaining the desired results, they felt tired of the same routines and with the desire to reactivate the fun in the training sessions.

It was not until one day that they were forced to play the drums without the seat, and they remained in a squat during the whole song, that they realized that this action and a workout could make you sweat and work your quadriceps in the same way . In this way, "pound fitness" is created, currently taught by more than 10,000 instructors worldwide.


Each session has a duration of 45 minutes where with the use of "ripstix" (plastic drum sticks designed specifically for this class) and following the musical pattern, you execute the movements managing to burn between 500 to 900 calories.

As the class progresses, music ceases to be the guide to the participant while the latter becomes the orchestrator of the same.

Using as a base the yoga and pilates movements, and incorporating a portion of cardiovascular exercises, each session works different parts of the body, being the gluteals, legs and abdomen where more results are seen.

How it works: Instead of counting repetitions or keeping up with the clock, this class distracts the student from the duration and intensity of the training, focusing on rhythm and volume, this strategic distraction making addicts to whom they taste it.

Each song is strategically calibrated with interval peaks and extended fat burning sequences, offering the participant the best training in the shortest time. Once completed the 45 minutes of each session, the student will have completed more than 15,000 movements with the "ripstix", executed more than 300 squats and applied some 70 movement techniques without realizing it.


  • You can burn up to 900 calories in a session.
  • Strengthen, sculpt and tone muscles that you do not use frequently.
  • You get a thinner and more stylized figure while pretending to be a drummer to the rhythm of Rock and Pop music.
  • Improve coordination, speed of response, agility and resistance.
  • Decrease measures in the waist and legs.
  • You develop the ability to listen to each beat of the music and improve your musicality.
  • You work stability, balance and balance.
  • Combat stress, anxiety and emotional fatigue.
  • You develop new skills associated with movement, music and the rhythm you produce when you sound the "ripstix" against the ground, without losing the notion of space and form.

For whom it is?

To attend a session, no prior experience, specific skill, musical ear or being a professional drummer is required.

This class is designed for all levels of fitness. It does not matter if you are a man or woman of any age, the sessions can be adapted and adjusted to each population group.

We recommend the use of elastic clothing such as lycra or leggings, a regular shirt and tennis. Many people practice it barefoot or with special socks for pilates or yoga.

It is the responsibility of the Center that offers the class, to provide each participant with a pair of Ripstix to use during the class.


A "pound fitness" class does not run without its special equipment called "ripstix". These drum sticks have been specially designed and manufactured to be used in each session.

Advantages of its use

  • They have a weight of º of pound that contributes to each movement creating an imbalance of the body, which causes a contraction and stabilization of the trunk.
  • Intensify each position with a slight resistance that strengthens the shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms and back.
  • They allow the participant to have the audio-muscular connection experience. Which means you can hear what your muscles are doing.

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